Here is a summary of the McLean Commons Redevelopment plans as presented at the October 2, 2012 PHCA meeting.
Bill Hard (LCOR) -The McLean Commons were originally owned by Lehmann Brothers. LCOR bought the McLean Commons from Lehmann’s trust in 2008. 2500 residential apartment units (Long term rental housing) service oriented retail up to 50K sq. ft. Parking is underground or covered from view. Highest buildings are closest to metro with buildings becoming shorter as they get closer to Safeway. There will be a full-size turf soccer field across from Colshire Drive which is twice as much as required by the county comprehensive plan. The South parcel will be left as is. There are 7 phases over 20-25 years. Construction will begin at Anderson (Colshire Meadow) in the second half of 2014.