Feb 2025 Update
The PHCA Pipeline Committee is in the process of updating our website content about the huge (24" diameter, 325 psi) pipeline that Washington Gas wants to route through our neighborhood. This pipeline will not serve homes in our neighborhood.
If you want to receive extra updates about updates to this website content and other pipeline-related issues, please let us know using this Google form.
Some things to know in the meantime...
Upcoming community meetings
Please mark your calendars for two Zoom meetings hosted by the the Pipeline Committee--what we've learned, what we've pursued in the pipeline fight, the state of the court case involving Pimmit residents, and a discussion of next steps:
Thu, Mar 13 7:30 pm and Sat, Mar 15 11:00 pm
The content at both meetings will be the same. We are running two meetings to increase the opportunities to participate.
The Zoom links will be sent out to our PHCA mailing list.
Support the Pipeline Legal Fund
To support the legal fund for the court appeal involving Pimmit residents, please donate to this GoFundMe campaign: Stop the Pimmit Pipeline! (Appeal Process)
If you are looking to buy or sell a home, or have been approached by a builder asking to buy your home, talk to Jamie and Linda Wheeler. Referrals they receive through PHCA will lead to donations to the GoFundMe above.
The Wheeler Team has donated $1,500 to the Pipeline Legal Fund so far. The agreement with The Wheeler Team was approved by community vote in July 2023.
Pimmit Pipeline one-pager
This fight has been going on for almost ten years!
For current information on the pipeline fight and events that have unfolded in recent years, please take three minutes to read our recent one-pager with highlights (and lowlights) and good background to know:
Pimmit Pipeline Info one-pager v2.pdf
NOTE: Info below this point is from a prior incarnation of the PHCA Pipeline Committee from before 2020. Some of it might be out of date.
Washington Gas has obtained a permit to install a 24" diameter transmission pipeline THROUGH our neighborhood with construction expected to begin soon. We continue to fight and ask for your support.
A group of residents has pending legal action and is requesting donations for legal fees.
Please sign the Pimmit Hills Pipeline Petition to show your opposition.
If you live along the approved Pimmit Hills route, please take a quick moment to complete a brief survey, it will take less than 2 minutes.
Below is the approved route for reference:
Update 11/24/19:
Following the Washington Gas Community meeting in Oct '18 PHCA discussed the proposed route at a monthly meeting and the community and association at large determined opposition to the proposed route through Pimmit Hills and instead favors a route along Magarity Rd and Rt 7. PHCA created a Washington Gas Committee to oppose the proposed route. Currently, Washington Gas has been granted the necessary permits from VDOT to install the pipeline through Pimmit Hills with construction planned to start in Spring 2020.
Recently VDOT has granted Washington Gas a permit to install a pipeline through Pimmit HIlls despite our objection. Please sign our Pimmit Hills Pipeline Petition to show your support.
Also, we will host an information meeting Mon, Dec 9th from 6-7pm at the Tysons-Pimmit Library.
The following timeline chronicles the events predating the permit issuance:
- December 2018 - WG submits a permit application to VDOT which is denied
- April 2019 - WF files first appeal to VDOT for denial of permit
- May 2019 - PHCA Board issues a resolution opposing the pipeline to VDOT, and the PHCA Pipeline Committee sends detailed statement of opposition to VDOT
WG PHCA Resolution May 2019.pdf - July 2019 - VDOT issues second denial of permit to WG
- August 2019 - Wash Gas attorney files second appeal to VDOT - to the Commissioner of Highways
- September 2019 - PHCA issues second statement of opposition to VDOT Commissioner
- October 2019 - Supervisor Foust, State Senator Howell, and Delegate Simon issue letter to VDOT Commissioner opposing transmission pipeline and in support of PHCA (link to letter)
WG Elected Officals Letter.pdf - October 2019 - VDOT rescinds denial for cause and states denial is administrative only
- November 2019 - WG resubmits permit correcting administrative comment and receives permit from VDOT.
Update 10/13/18:
Washington Gas would like to change the pipeline path through Pimmit Hills from the Pimmit Hills Center to the existing regulator near Rt 7 / Pimmit via Peabody, Fisher, Cherri, Leonard, Cherri, Griffith and Pimmit. They are also studying a route which would be west on Magarity and south on Rt 7. Washington Gas held an information meeting with the community on October 3rd. Please refer to Washington Gas' website on the project for general project information, FAQ's, and the presentation from October 3rd.
Past Information:
Here is summary information about the Washington Gas Pipeline Project (based on the presentation materials received from Washington Gas).
The PHCA Washington Gas Committee is still collecting feedback, questions, and concerns which will be submitted to Washington Gas before the project commences. Please feel free to e-mail
What to expect before construction?
- Construction is permitted and approved by VDOT
- Final construction schedule determined
- Bring in equipment and material
- Send construction notifications
- Begin construction
What to expect during construction?
- Temporary traffic control
- Construction vehicles and equipment
- Pavement excavation
- Still plates
- Temporary restoration
What to expect after construction?
- Permanent restoration
- Construction vehicles and equipment removed
- Temporary traffic control removed
Below are computer generated images of visual impact by Above Ground Regulation Station at Pimmit Barn