PHCA News Blog

The PHCA Dispatch

Pimmit Hills Survey Results

The Pimmit Hills Citizens Association (PHCA) conducted an online survey for the past few months and input is now closed. The survey asked questions like:

  • How long have you lived in Pimmit Hills?
  • What would you say are the biggest challenges facing the community?
  • What PHCA community events or meetings have you attended in the last year?
  • What types of speakers/events would you like to see at PHCA town meetings and/or organized?
  • What do you think PHCA should do to help make the community a better place to live?
  • Would you be in favor of a pedestrian foot-bridge over Pimmit Run at Redd Road?

The answers give a snapshot of the concerns and desires of Pimmit Hills residents. Traffic and the Tysons redevelopment are among the biggest challenges that face our community, residents said, followed by infrastructure.

Surprisingly, in a 'property rights' neighborhood where there are no restrictions beyond normal Fairfax County zoning regulations, many wanted a homeowners association to encourage and enforce better upkeep of homes and yards. This is a sea-change in this community but people seemed to be tired of messy lots and run down houses where nothing is done about it -- and it affects property values.

Our neighborhood is heading towards major changes from the Tysons redevelopment and more and more houses in Pimmit Hills are being torn down with bigger new houses built on the properties. This is a long way from little GI-Bill houses built on farmland once in the middle of nowhere, but the only thing constant is change.

Read the survey results (.pdf)

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Pimmit Hills

Pimmit Hills, founded in 1950, is located next to the Tysons Corner area in Virginia and is one of the largest communities in Fairfax County with over 1,640 homes.

Picture of the Pimmit Hills Entry Sign

PHCA News Blog