PHCA Board Blog

The Pimmit Hills Citizens' Association (PHCA)

Proposal for Amending Bylaws Related to Officer and Director Elections

The following proposals were proposed by Connie Cordovilla and presented in writing at the December 2012 PHCA meeting.

Proposed Additions to PHCA Bylaws Article VI. Election of Officers and Directors.
4. Challenges and objections to the election must be submitted in writing, with a statement of supporting reasons that includes specific facts as well as any documentation, to the Nominating Committee within five (5) days of the count.

5. The Nominating Committee shall issue its written opinion regarding the objections no later than ten (10) days after receipt of such objections.

6. The election results will be published and distributed to the membership within thirty (30) days of the count. Results may be given by US mail, email, or posting on the Association website.

7. All elections materials, including the ballots, will be kept in a secure location for one (1) year.

Proposed Changes to PHCA Bylaws Article V. Nominations of Officers and Directors.

Add a new #1
1. Sixty (60) days prior to the annual May meeting of the corporation, the Nominating Committee shall notify all members of the opening of nominations for officers, the offices to be filled and of the date of the election by U.S. Mail, email or posting on the corporation website.

Current #1 becomes #2 and is amended as follows
2. The Nominating Committee shall recommend one or more eligible candidates for each office or directorship to be filled. The report of the recommendations of the committee shall be presented in writing to the membership at least 30 days prior to the annual May meeting of the corporation. The recommendations shall be delivered by U.S. Mail, email and/or posting on the corporation website.

Current #2 becomes #3 with no changes
3. Nominations for officer or director shall not be limited to those individuals recommended by the Nominating Committee, but shall be available to all the members until a motion is made, seconded and approved at the annual membership meeting to close the nominations for officers.

Current #3 becomes #4 and is amended as follows
4. Any member of the Nominating Committee nominated for or seeking office must vacate their position at least fifteen (15) days prior to the annual May meeting and be replaced by a member nominated by the president and approved by the Executive Board. Members of the Nominating Committee may not be nominated from the floor at the annual May meeting by other members of the Association.

Add new #5
5. At least fifteen (15) days prior to the election, the Election Committee
shall notify all members of the election date and the candidates for offices. This notification can be done by electronic newsletter, email and/or posting on the corporation website.

Pimmit Hills

Pimmit Hills, founded in 1950, is located next to the Tysons Corner area in Virginia and is one of the largest communities in Fairfax County with over 1,640 homes.

Picture of the Pimmit Hills Entry Sign

PHCA News Blog