PHCA Board Blog

The Pimmit Hills Citizens' Association (PHCA)

PHCA Meeting Minutes June 5, 2012

PHCA Meeting Minutes
June 5, 2012

The meeting began shortly after 7:30 with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Treasurer’s Report:
Cindy Kwitchoff, interim Treasurer, reported that the checking account balance is $4,895.76 and the CD balance is $5,405.63. Funds held by the PHCA total $10,301.39.

Secretary’s Report:
Sarah Rock gave a brief recap of the May 2012 meeting for Elizabeth Hall who was absent.

Director’s Report:
Sarah Rock announced that t-shirts are still for sale and that the price has increased so that the PHCA can earn some revenue for the continued sales efforts as the shirts were previously being sold at cost. The new prices will be $6 for a child shirt, $8 for an adult shirt, and $10 for an XXL shirt. So far, $327 of the $714 spent on the shirts has been recouped.

The Pimmit Hills Community Yard Sale was May 5, 2012 at the PHCA “Little House” and raised $47.50 for the PHCA mainly due to the generous donation of sunglasses by Roy and Marie Davis. 11 t-shirts were sold at the event to total $66.

The PHCA was notified by the Fairfax County Government Center that the plans for the West Gate Elementary renovations were submitted on May 9, 2012. Any questions of comments can be submitted to the Fairfax County’s website,

Vice President’s Report:
Animesh Gupta noted that many residents were concerned about the yellow line on Pimmit Drive wondering if a gas line will be put there. Matt Martz responded, indicating that there will be some sort of work there but that there is no definite plan to date. Animesh stated that he could be contacted in the future for further information.

President’s Report:
Matt Martz reported that Dumpster Day was a great success. 41 houses were served, 17 memberships were paid, 1 membership was renewed, and 1 member was invoiced. The PHCA had $122 in t-shirt sales. Matt suggested that a second Dumpster Day be established each year so that there can be one in the fall as well as the spring. Overall, Matt applauded the surge of participation and membership this year.

Environment Committee Report:
Sarah Rock reported for Elizabeth Hall who was absent. She stated that the PHCA has received a $1,000 grant from the HOT Lanes grant program. More information can be found at The use of funds has yet to be determined. Due to the great success of the Earth Day Clean-up, she suggested a second Clean-up Day in October.

Old Business:
PH residents, Lesley Stone and Erika Bowles, distributed a petition for the preservation of the Pimmit Hills Dairy Barn. More information can be found at

New Business:
National Night out is August 7th and will be held either on Hileman Road or at the Senior Center.
Pimmit Hills Day is September 22nd and the PHCA needs volunteers to bake cakes/cookies and run the event. Please contact Sarah Rock if interested.
Multiple transportation issues were questioned and are summarized as follows:

  • Walking paths to the West Falls Church will not be established due to the County’s budget.
  • Walking paths from Pimmit Hills to the Tysons Corner area are in development and Dranesville District Supervisor John Foust’s office can be contacted for more information at 703-356-0551.
  • Residents applauded the stop signs on Lisle and Griffith and the PHCA was thanked for their work on the effort to have them implemented.
  • A “Dead End” sign was suggested on Storm Drive and concerns of tall grass in Pimmit View Park were discussed. Residents are urged to submit a formal complaint the form for which can be found at

Tom Garofalo spoke representing Congressman Jim Moran’s Capitol Hill Office in Washington DC. Mr. Garofalo’s office covers legislative issues and he specifically works with foreign affairs and labor issues. He noted many upcoming Constituent Services Events including: Job Hunter’s Boot Camp on June 26, 2012, Nonprofit Grants Workshop on July 9, 2012, and an upcoming Women Issues Conference.

PHCA Board Elections:
Matt Martz went over the election process per the PHCA bylaws. Ballots were explained and distributed. It was noted that Sarah Rock holds the 3-year director position and that she has 2 years left in her term. Nominations were as follows:

President- Mark Kinnane
Vice President- Animesh Gupta and Carol Martz
Treasurer- Brad Sanders
Secretary- Ashley Reynolds

As ballots were collected and tallied, Matt noted that the PHCA is looking forward and planning to research insurance and amendments to the PHCA bylaws to ensure that PHCA is legally protected and current on all issues.

For the contested Vice President position:
2 - votes for both vp candidates and were therefore invalid ballots
13 - votes for vp candidate Animesh Gupta
29 - votes for vp candidate Carol Martz
total votes cast = 44

Election results were announced:

President- Mark Kinnane
Vice President- Carol Martz
Treasurer- Brad Sanders
Secretary- Ashley Reynolds

The meeting adjourned around 8:30.

Pimmit Hills

Pimmit Hills, founded in 1950, is located next to the Tysons Corner area in Virginia and is one of the largest communities in Fairfax County with over 1,640 homes.

Picture of the Pimmit Hills Entry Sign

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