PHCA Board Blog

The Pimmit Hills Citizens' Association (PHCA)

PHCA Board Meeting Minutes July 10, 2012

PHCA Board Meeting Minutes - July 10, 2012

Mark Kinnane called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.

1. Introductions

  • Why did you join the PHCA board?
    • Better neighborhood, meet neighbors, and be more involved.
  • Do you see anything lacking in the association? i.e. membership, attendance at events or meetings, participation all around, etc.
    • Membership, community awareness of PHCA, member participation, expectation gap between members and board, conduct at meetings and respect for one another.
  • What community activity is most important to you? Why? Is there an activity that we do not have that you would like to see happen?
    • Togetherness activities
    • “Angie’s List” database to recommend service purveyors, community block party, multicultural PHCA publications/communication channels, better means to get to know neighbors, little league team

  • What is the biggest issue you see facing the association?
    • See second tab above.
  • What is your personal goal for the PHCA? Meaning, as an individual what would you like to see the PHCA as?
    • Cultivate more leaders to further the PHCA goals
    • Mandatory neighborhood (HOA) dues
    • PHCA presence at government level to enable us to establish stop signs, speed bumps, walking paths, etc.
    • Host a bake sale on Election Day in November to raise PHCA awareness near the Senior Center/School.
    • Clearly defined roles for board members.
    • Only members allowed at meetings.
    • Clear definition of “member” in Bylaws.

2. Old Business – Everyone

  • Liability insurance- Carol contacted an Insurance Broker (Business Benefits Group) Mark and Brad will secure the insurance and report the coverage and cost at the September 4, 2012 meeting. Cost is estimated at $500 per year.
  • Bylaw revisions- Mark spoke with a lawyer (Merritt Green?) who can possible help with legal questions on amending the bylaws. Ideas of what needs to be altered include: the ability to remove a member, the definition of a member, and the ability to vote via a proxy.
    • Sarah will create a Google Doc for all board members to suggest changes to the bylaws by the 15th of July. The document will stay open for editing for 2 weeks. More will be discussed at the next Board Meeting in August.
    • An Administrative Guideline document was suggested to clearly define Board Member roles.

3. Banking, Finance and Tax

  • Mark reported that the tax return (990N) for FY11 ending 8/31/11 has yet to be filed to the IRS. Brad and Mark will file the return by 7/15/12.
  • Brad will prepare a FY13 rough draft Budget that will be presented at the August Board Meeting. To date there are no pending grant applications, but there are many opportunities and grants are expected.
  • In summary, the Dispatch is not profitable and the Pimmit Hills Signs need refurbishment or replacement. Grants applications were suggested to pay for these items.

4. Barn's Group

  • The group is lead by Lesley Stone and Erika Bowles who will be speaking at the meeting on 9/4/12. The PHCA will act solely as a communication channel and is not to express any opinions as a board.

5. Dispatch

  • Cindy - the July/August issue was submitted to the printers and should be in the mail currently.

6. PH Day

  • Sarah & Marie- 9/22/12 in Olney Park from 11-3. Sarah suggested a moon bounce. The cost is estimated to be $150 for the rental and a $25 fee to Olney Park. Marie stated that the Lions Club’s insurance will cover the moon bounce and guardians of participating children will also be required to sign a waiver before the child can participate.
  • Volunteers will be requested at the 9/4/12 meeting for the moon bounce (handle waivers & watch kids), membership table, set-up/clean-up

7. NNO

  • Carol- 8/7/12 on Hileman Drive from 7-9. Carol will provide squirting frog toys, popsicles, water cups.
    • Volunteers needed to run the cake walk, man the kids table, set-up/clean-up. Volunteers arrive at 6:30.
    • Patrick Lucas is the contact at the McLean Police Department on Balls Hill Rd.
    • Board Members are asked to invite all neighbors allowed via by 7/17/12

8. Clean Up Day # 2

  • Elizabeth- April 20, 2013 and October 13, 2012 at 9am in Olney Park. Info for the event must be submitted to Cindy for the Sept/Oct issue of the Dispatch by 8/1/12. Elizabeth will submit a budget, plan for the event, grant possibility proposal, and thank you gift ideas at the August board meeting.

9. New Business

  • September Meeting – going green speaker & barns group speakers (info must be to Cindy by 8/1/12 for the Sept/Oct Dispatch) Mark (most likely), Brad, and Ashley will not be able to attend the meeting.
  • October Meeting- Commons Redevelopment project- the board will try to get a speaker on the project for this meeting. We will discuss more in the August board meeting.
  • December Meeting – elected official(s) to speak- Mark will contact and arrange this.
  • March Meeting - (nominations per current bylaws)
  • May Meeting - (elections per current bylaws)
  • June Meeting
  • Easter Egg Hunt- March 30, 2013 – Ashley will be in charge of this event.
  • Yard Sale TBD (May 2013?)- Brad will be in charge of this event. Serious discussions on this event will begin in January 2013.
  • Dumpster Day TBD (May 2013?)- Mark will be in charge of this event. Serious discussions on this event will begin in January 2013.
    Neighborhood Grant -
    • There are no limits on this grant. The non-profit submits a budget for a possible grant. 50% of the budget will be awarded as a grant and the other 50% of the budget must be worked in man-hours by the non-profit. The application is due 10/31/12. Mark will include commentary about the grant in his President’s notes in the Sept/Oct issue of the Dispatch (due 8/1/12).
  • A committee was suggested to spearhead a stronger grant effort by the PHCA.

NOTE #1: The PHCA recently lost its seat on the MCA. The bylaws state that members lose their seat on the MCA after missing two consecutive meetings. Mark and Lise Visser have been vigilantly attending MCA meetings waiting for a member to miss 2 meetings and lose their seat on the MCA. When this vacancy occurs PHCA will regain their seat in the MCA and Lise Visser will be PHCA liaison to the MCA.

NOTE #2: It was brought to the Board’s attention that the Dispatch is not being delivered to all residents of Pimmit Hills. Cindy indicated that she would contact the printers and try to resolve this issue.

NOTE #3: The next Board Meeting will be 8/14/12 at 7:30 at Mark’s house.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30.

Pimmit Hills

Pimmit Hills, founded in 1950, is located next to the Tysons Corner area in Virginia and is one of the largest communities in Fairfax County with over 1,640 homes.

Picture of the Pimmit Hills Entry Sign

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