PHCA Board Blog

The Pimmit Hills Citizens' Association (PHCA)

PHCA Board Meeting February 28, 2012

PHCA Board Meeting Agenda
2/28/12 7:30 P.M.

In person: Matt Martz, Mark Kinnane, Elizabeth Hall, Cindy Kwitchoff, Sarah Rock
On phone: Animesh Gupta

1. Debrief of volunteer meeting – Sarah

2. MCA update – Mark

3. Membership drive – Sarah

4. Pimmit Yard Sale/Pimmit Hills Cleanup/Dumpster –Matt
Dumpster is scheduled for May 12. Yard sale will be the week before.

5. Speaker for May meeting – Sarah

  • Ideas: master gardener, county leaders?

6. Earth Day update – Elizabeth

7. PHCA Finances – Elizabeth/Mark

8. Dispatch update – Cindy

  • Dispatch schedule
  • Emailing of final copy before sending out to printers
  • Advertising update

9. March 6th meeting – Matt

  • Agenda for the meeting

10. Website/discussion board restrictions

11. Re-organize for next year

Pimmit Hills

Pimmit Hills, founded in 1950, is located next to the Tysons Corner area in Virginia and is one of the largest communities in Fairfax County with over 1,640 homes.

Picture of the Pimmit Hills Entry Sign

PHCA News Blog