PHCA Board Blog

The Pimmit Hills Citizens' Association (PHCA)

DRAFT PHCA Meeting Minutes for May 7, 2013

DRAFT Pimmitt Hills Citizens Association (PHCA)
May 7, 2013

The meeting opened at 7:32 pm

The pledge of allegiance was recited.

A guest speaker, Jane Strauss, Dranesville District representative, discussed Fairfax County School board matters, including school population growth, school renovations and additions, plans for new schools, new playground areas, teacher’s salaries and the need for new teachers.

The minutes were reviewed and passed unanimously as presented.

Sarah Rock, Three Year Director, gave a report on Pimmitt Hills Day (September 14, 2013, place to be determined), Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off (Mason Government Center) and Operation Medicine Cabinet Clean-Out (May 27 through June 1, 2013).

Brad Sanders, the Treasurer, presented a twelve month financial review of the PHCA. A net profit of $261 has been realized for the twelve months and the monies available at this time are $11,787.

Carol Martz, the Vice President, reported that Supervisor Foust has requested that the President of the PHCA attend a meeting to discuss the improvement of the street crossing site at Westgate School. A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously that the newly elected PHCA President should attend the meeting. The Vice President noted that the National Night Out celebration was to be held on August 6 and asked the members to consider organizing it this year. That includes selecting a site. The Vice President also reported that Earth Day Clean-up (4/20) attracted 12-14 volunteers and another clean-up day would be scheduled in the fall.

Membership dues were discussed and it was determined that Sarah Rock would prepare a report of several scenarios of higher and lower dues to see the impact on the PHCA finances.

Sarah Rock opened the Board elections by asking each nominee to give a short introduction of their qualifications. Nominations were requested for the Treasurer and Shashi Patel agreed to run for the position. Jeremy Sewell and Robert Heilen ran for president, Vijay Sharma for Vice-President and Connie Cordovilla for Treasurer. A paper ballot was handed to each member, was completed and returned to the election committee. The final tally was:

Jeremy Sewall - 20 votes
Bob Heilen - 5 votes
Vice President
Vijay Sharma - 15 votes
Sahshi Pattel - 19
Connie Cordovilla - 21

There was one improper ballot that indicated the names for all nominee for president were voted.
The paper ballots were given to the Three Year Director for storage for one year.
A motion was made to thank the nominations committee ( Sarah Rock, Lisa Gibbs and Lesley Stone) and the candidates for running. It was seconded and moved unanimously.

It was moved and seconded that the meeting be adjourned. It passed unanimously at 9:14 p.m.

Pimmit Hills

Pimmit Hills, founded in 1950, is located next to the Tysons Corner area in Virginia and is one of the largest communities in Fairfax County with over 1,640 homes.

Picture of the Pimmit Hills Entry Sign

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