PHCA Board Blog

The Pimmit Hills Citizens' Association (PHCA)

DRAFT Minutes for PHCA Meeting on September 10, 2013

Pimmit Hills Citizens’ Association Meeting Minutes
September 10, 2013

The meeting began at 7:35 with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Guest Speakers
Ms. Jan Auerbach described the history and services of the McLean Senior Source. It is an organization that assists senior citizens and people with disabilities to remain in their homes by educating them about the many public and private services available to them and facilitating their connection to those services they need. They do not provide the services but function as an information clearinghouse. Their volunteer staff is available in person at the McLean Community Center Tuesday through Thursday from 10 am to 2:00 pm, over the phone at 703-300-1751 and via internet at

They are hosting a meeting on October 23 with several other NOVA service facilitation groups to explore how to network and exchange information that can more effectively help the clients of all of the groups. Ms. Helen Vollmer agreed to attend the meeting on the 23rd as a representative of the PHCA and report back to the PHCA.

Mr. John Ball from the Friends of Pimmit Library and a staff member of the library (who spoke strictly in his capacity as a private citizen) discussed the proposed changes in the structures and services of the Fairfax County Public Library and their negative effect on public usage.
The proposal includes:

  • Elimination of a number of Librarian positions through attrition;
  • Reduction of staffing and Possible Elimination of the Reference Desk
  • Cutting down the number of Public Service Desks in library branches;
  • Restructuring the program specialist categories to cover all fields of literature rather than specialty areas
  • Lowering the qualifications of staff from Masters in Library Science to 2 years of college credit and/or two years of work experience

Most of these changes are a result of shrinking public budgets but their effect on the quality and services of the county library system will be drastic. Mr. Ball pointed that the various chapters of the Friends of the Library contribute significant sums of money to the Library every year through used book sales, but the Library has begun trashing the excess books from it collection rather than allowing the Friends to sell them at monthly sales and turn the monies back to the Library.

The most egregious problem is the apparent lack of public transparency and consultation on the part of the Library administration which will not tell patrons how it arrived at the changes and just planned to start implementing these changes without consulting the public or getting the approval of the Board of Trustees of the Library. A public hearing is scheduled at the George Mason Library on September 11. All were urged to attend, write to their County Supervisor, John Foust, sign the on-line petition and contact their local Library Board Trustee, Kristen Cabral.

Sue King rose to make the following motion:
“The Pimmit Hills Citizens Association moves that it express strong support for a new Fairfax County Public Library strategic plan, to be formulated with full involvement of all stakeholders, including library staff, users and community.”
It was passed unanimously.

The minutes were reviewed by the members.

President’s Report
President Jeremy Sewall reported that the Dispatch is out and several members expressed their support for this as an integral community communication piece. He cautioned that they are expensive to print and mail and that budget review is needed to continue doing it on a quarterly basis. We had very successful National Night Out on August 6, including a cakewalk, coffee and the appearance of the Fire Department Hazardous Materials Truck for walk on inspection. The next big event is this Saturday, September 14, at Olney Park- the Annual Pimmit Hills Day. Volunteers are still needed.

Treasurer’s Report
Shashi Patel reported that the balance of the checking account as of August 31 was $12.059.20. There are outstanding bills of about $1500 that must be paid. It is time to renew dues if you have not done so.

Old Business
There was short review of the PHCA dues structure and it was determined that there would be no changes to the dues at this time.

Suggestion was made that we could save costs by just publishing a web version of the Dispatch but it was pointed out that the paper is mailed to every house in Pimmit Hills whereas the web version would be seen only by those who were members. It was decided that the review would be tabled for a future meeting.

The membership committee was discussed. Three people volunteered to serve on the committee: Julius Hankin, Mohan Deval and Alberto Gomez. Connie Cordovilla and Shashi Patel offered to organize a meeting to discuss welcome packages for new residents and other contact methods.

New Business
Jeremy outlined the activities for the upcoming Pimmit Hills Day. He indicated we needed several volunteers- bingo callers, moon bounce monitors, Cake walk Organizers and contributors, folks to run the games. Carol Martz volunteered to organize the Cake Walk.

Maria Villamil introduced a resolution for safe pedestrian access to Westgate Elementary School. It cited the need for several road improvements to make access to the school safer. It was passed unanimously.

The text of the petition is included below, and will go to the County, the Board of supervisors and the VA Department of Transportation to move on the recommendations of the resolution:

“Safe pedestrian access on, to, and from Magarity / Westgate Elementary School

WHEREAS, Crossing at Magarity Road and Peabody Road – This intersection is a safety risk for students and people crossing the road to and from school. Currently there is a traffic volunteer only present during the school opening and closing hours. Drivers use the center turn lane, regardless of pedestrians, to pass vehicles stopped in the travel lane. This is a blind spot and is the most vulnerable crossing to an accident. School and neighborhood children have to cross this intersection for off school and evening activities.

WHEREAS, Crossing at Magarity Road and Griffith Road – This intersection is a safety risk for students and people crossing the road to and from school. It is also not safe to cross off school hours. People attending Pimmit Hills Alternative school use this crossing and it had led to many accidents for people living on Griffith Road and drivers getting on or off to Magarity. Moreover, it is not safe for pedestrian traffic. Cars and boats parked on the side and close to the parking create blind spots.

WHEREAS, Crossing at Lisle Avenue and Peabody Road – This intersection is a safety risk for students and people crossing the road. Lisle Avenue is a main artery in the Pimmit Hills neighborhood, where careless drivers routinely go well above the speed limit. Currently there is a traffic volunteer during the school opening and closing hours. School and neighborhood children have to cross this intersection to get to and from school, and evening activities.

WHEREAS, Crossing at Magarity Road and Anderson Road – There is a walk signal to cross Magarity; however there is no walk signal to cross Anderson. There are pedestrians, parents, and children who use this crossing at different times of the day.

WHEREAS, Sidewalk crossing at Tremayne Pl – The sidewalk ends for vehicular traffic. Pedestrians and school children have to cross the road. There have been incidents of accidents and blind spots.

WHEREAS, Sidewalk crossing at Kiss and Ride Entrance – The sidewalk ends for vehicular traffic. Pedestrians and school children have to cross the road.

WHEREAS, Sidewalk crossing at Holly Ridge Dr – The sidewalk ends for vehicular traffic. Pedestrians and school children have to cross the road. There have been incidents of blind spots.

WHEREAS, Sidewalk off Magarity Road – The sidewalk is partially cemented. The side walk has shrubs and trees extending into the sidewalk sideways and overhead.

WHEREAS, Sidewalk addition off Magarity Road – There isn’t a sidewalk on right side of Magarity along the residential houses.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Pimmit Hills Citizens Association would like Fairfax County Department of Transportation, the Fairfax Country Board of Supervisors, and the Virginia Department of Transportation to address our following recommendations:

  • Automate the crossing or put in walk signal at the crossing at Magarity Road and Peabody Road. Convert into a zebra crossing. Notify drivers 30 feet for a school zone. Putting speed bumps or speed breakers.
  • Automate the crossing or put in walk signal at the crossing at Magarity Road and Griffith Road. Convert into a zebra crossing. Notify drivers 30 feet for a cross walk.
  • Automate the crossing or put in four way stop signs at the crossing at Lisle Avenue and Peabody Road. Convert into a zebra crossing.
  • Install a walk signal for Anderson crossing.
  • Add a zebra crossing with a signage to not block the intersection at the sidewalk crossing at Tremayne Pl.
  • Add a zebra crossing with a signage to not block the intersection at the sidewalk crossing for Kiss and Ride Entrance. Right turn only during school opening and closing. Also have speed breakers on Magarity. Have multiple lane markers on Magarity for entry and exit into the Kiss and Ride.
  • Add a zebra crossing with a signage to not block the intersection at the sidewalk crossing at Holly Ridge Dr.
  • Cement the sidewalk off Magarity Road and increase its width. Request trimming of foliage.
  • Addition of sidewalk from Lusby to Peabody on authorization from homeowners/necessary county procedures.”
  • The resolution was passed unanimously.

Gregory Melencio introduced the need for a new traffic calming survey, a County service that will be available to Pimmit Hills in March 2014. He brought a list of incidents on just his corner and other members suggested that there are other streets in the area that need study as well. He made the motion that PHCA support a request for traffic calming study. An amendment to his motion was also passed to create a Traffic Calming Study Committee. It was passed unanimously. A request for further study sites in Pimmit Hills will be made in the next few months. Greg Melencio and ? volunteered to participate in the committee.

Jeremy introduced the subject of the budget but explained that he had not prepared a draft in time for this meeting. Elizabeth Hall raised the point that he was in violation of the by-laws by not presenting a budget at this meeting. Jeremy read the by-laws aloud that noted that the budget was to be submitted by the treasurer at the September meeting of the corporation for approval by the membership. He offered the PHCA the alternative of finding the board in contempt for failing to meet this deadline and asking them to step down or extending the deadline for the submission of the budget to the PHCA to the October meeting or the next meeting. A motion was made to offer an extension to the Board of the PHCA to develop a draft budget to the October meeting or the next meeting. It was passed unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 pm.

Pimmit Hills

Pimmit Hills, founded in 1950, is located next to the Tysons Corner area in Virginia and is one of the largest communities in Fairfax County with over 1,640 homes.

Picture of the Pimmit Hills Entry Sign

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